Bayou Beer

All about beer brewing and drinking in South Louisiana.

Louisiana State Homebrew Competition Coming

January 2nd, 2013

I was really excited to see this posted by fellow Louisiana beer bloggers. I’m reposting this from BR Beer Scene who reposted it from The Beer Buddha. Very exciting to me who’s already got a half dozen competition entries brewed specifically for aging towards next years Dixie Cup. I have more than enough for this contest as well.


We’ll be organizing beer and brewing events including tastings, dinners, competitions and more!
Start planning or brewing your beers now. The competition and events will take place in New Orleans, though you will not need to be present to compete.
Some things we have in mind
-Commercial beer tastings
-Beer dinners and pairings
-Club competition with club booths (public event)
-Beer tour via street car or walking/boking
-Brewing and recipe design classes
-Brewery/Distillery bus tours
-Awards ceremony and dinner
-Big group brew
Please keep checking back for more details on events in the months to come! We will be posting more information soon!

All 23 BJCP beer categories will be allowed for entry, with ribbons going to the top three beers in each category.
Prizes from sponsors will also be awarded.
The competition will be open to residents of Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas and Arkansas only.
Judging will take place over the course of a weekend in November, to be determined.
Rules and regulations to be posted by the end of January 2013.
If you would like to be involved we are looking for BJCP certified judges and volunteers.
We are looking for sponsorship of events and awards. Please email Aaron at for more information!
Happy homebrewing and good luck!

Bayou Beer

All about beer brewing and drinking in South Louisiana.
