Bayou Beer

All about beer brewing and drinking in South Louisiana.

Bought a Blichmann Top Tier Ultimate Brew System

April 28th, 2013

So they say when opportunity knocks you have to answer. I feel like one man answering his opportunity presented me with mine this weekend when Ron over at Main Grain decided to sell his shop system in order to raise money for his newest endeavor. On my part I’ve looked at different base configurations of the Blichmann gear just hoping I could get the base Top Tier and build it over the years. So when Ron put his for sale I scraped together every piece of cash I could and made a few promises to the wife in order to buy what I’d call my idea of a dream homebrewing system.  So here’s what I picked up for an outstanding deal:

  • Blichmann Top Tier Stand
  • Blichmann Burners x3
  • Blichmann Boiler Maker 10 Gal Kettles x3
  • Blichmann Auto Sparge Arm
  • Blichmann Thermonator
  • Chugger Stainless Pump
  • Blichamnn Tower of Power Control Unit

Just when I’ve finally learned how to use all my  base equipment now I’m faced with learning to use this wonderful gear.   Here’s a picture Ron took of the system in the shop:


Bayou Beer

All about beer brewing and drinking in South Louisiana.
